Time Management Quiz

Time Management Quiz

Take a time management quiz and learn your result on the Relate Blog!

1 - How often do you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of your tasks and responsibilities?

a) Almost every day

b) A few times a week

c) Occasionally

d) Rarely or never

2 - When starting a task, do you typically have a clear plan in mind?

a) No, I just jump in and figure it out on the go.

b) Sometimes, but I often get distracted.

c) Usually, but most of the time I don't have a clear plan.

d) Always, I make sure to plan every step before starting.

3 - How often do you find yourself procrastinating on important tasks or projects?

a) Most of the time

b) Quite often

c) Occasionally

d) Rarely or never

4 - How do you handle interruptions while getting something done?

a) I get easily distracted and find it difficult to get back on track.

b) I get distracted but can refocus after a while.

c) I can manage minor interruptions without losing focus.

d) I simply continue with my task.

5 - How often do you set specific goals for what you want to achieve?

a) Never, I go with the flow.

b) Rarely, I just have a general idea.

c) Sometimes, when I feel like it's necessary.

d) I always set clear goals.

6 - How do you prioritize your tasks and responsibilities?

a) I struggle to prioritize and end up doing less important tasks first.

b) I prioritize but tend to change the order as I go along.

c) I can prioritize well, but not always.

d) I consistently prioritize tasks in an effective way.

7 - How often do you delegate tasks or ask for help when you feel overwhelmed?

a) Never, I try to handle everything on my own.

b) Rarely, I'm not good at asking for help.

c) Sometimes, if I know a person who can handle it better.

d) Often, I recognize when I need assistance and don't hesitate to ask.

8 - How would you describe your approach to time management in general?

a) Chaotic and disorganized

b) Not good but trying to improve

c) Could be better

d) Highly structured and organized

9 - Do you often find yourself running late for appointments, meetings, or deadlines?

a) Almost always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Rarely or never

10 - At the end of the day how do you feel in terms of task accomplishment?

a) Frustrated

b) Mixed emotions

c) Satisfied with some progress

d) Accomplished


For each question, calculate your points accordingly:
a) 1 point
b) 2 points
c) 3 points
d) 4 points


10 to 20 points: You seem to be struggling with time management. Identify areas for improvement and consider learning some time management strategies.
21 to 30 points: Your time management skills could use some improvement. Focus on establishing a more effective and sustainable time management system.
31 to 35 points: You have quite fine time management skills, but you could get better. Improve your time management strategies to become even more productive.
36 to 40 points: Congratulations! You must be really good at time management. Keep up the good work!

Remember, time management is a quality that can be improved with practice and dedication. You can start the Time Management 101 journey on the Relate App to learn more about your time management situation and learn more time management strategies. Good luck!


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